Monday, December 1, 2008

The website is up!

Please go to, to find out more about our subjects, see the trailer, subscribe to the mailing list, etc.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Merav Ezer's installation to premier this Friday

Dear friends,

Merav Ezer, a subject in our documentary, as well as the co-producer of it, has been selected as a finalist for the Inaugural Exhibition at the Black and White Gallery in Brooklyn.

The opening of the show is on this coming Friday, October 10, between 6pm and 10pm at the Williamsburg site of the gallery. The address is: 483 Driggs Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11211. This is a chance to see her proposal before the gallery will announce the selected finalist. Hope to see you there!


Friday, September 26, 2008

Fiscal sponsorship for “Where is My Home?”!

Dear friends,

I am very pleased to announce that “Where is My Home?” has been chosen as one of the documentaries in New York Foundation for the Arts’ fiscal sponsorship program! This foundation has previously included filmmakers such as Kimberly Pierce and Spike Lee in their programs and we are, of course, very happy to have been chosen by NYFA as well.

So what is a fiscal sponsorship?
Fiscal sponsorship is a legal means whereby donors can make tax-deductible contributions to individuals or organizations that are themselves not tax exempt; thereby, it is possible to make tax-exempt donations to our project through NYFA,

How do I donate money?
In order to donate money to this project- please visit and choose whether you want to donate by credit card or by check. This program accepts donations between $5.00 and $15.000, and we ourselves are happy to accept donations of any size!



Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Today Merav started her MFA program at Purchase College , in upstate New York . I am very excited for her and which that this experience will help her develop even more as an artist…and again, I am looking forward to keep collaborating with her.


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Introducing: Shay Zach

I first met Shay with his wife Lisa on a spring evening in Union Square, not far away from their apartment. Shay is an up-and-coming Real Estate broker in New York, set on making it big in the big city. In 2007, Shay was nominated as a Rising star 2007 by the Real Estate Weekly, and this spring, he was one of the brokers closing a $19 million property sale in Manhattan. Keep up the good job!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Location scouting with Merav

Today Merav and I went location scouting for an upcoming video she is planning to shoot this summer. We drove to an industrial area of Brooklyn, which might be a good background when filming. I drove by there recently on a late evening, and came to think about Merav’s upcoming project.

I am very excited to be working with Merav, and am looking forward to upcoming video shoots this summer.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Introducing: Merav Ezer

Out latest addition to young, bright, professional Israelis featured in “Where is My Home?” is Merav Ezer, a sculptor and multidisciplinary artist based in Brooklyn. Merav will also co-produce the film. Nomadic displacement is one of the subjects that Merav has explored through her art, and in 2006, she was a part of the art project “Home Base”, where Brooklyn based artists exploring notions of Home.

Please learn more about Merav's work and recent art.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rave reviews for Misha Shulman's play!

Misha Shulman’s most recent play “Brunch at the Luthers (and Other Quacks)” is widely praised by theatre critics! Last chance to see it is this weekend; come out and support Misha and his actors!

“mad, funny, preposterous… Priscilla Flores’ dance is enough to send one rushing out of the theater for fear of one’s life!” (Jewish Post and Opinion)
“Scarily Bizarre,” (Village Voice) and
“Simultaneously smart and funny…This play is so much fun!” (


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Misha Shulman’s new play to premier this Thursday!

Dear friends,

Misha Shulman, who is one of the Israelis featured in “Where is My Home?”, will have his most recent play: "Brunch at the Luthers” premiered this coming Thursday at Theater for the New City.

Israeli war veteran Misha Shulman is an award winning New York based playwright and director and currently a MFA student at Brooklyn College. In 2006, his play “Desert Sunrise” premiered at Theater for the New City and reviewed astonishing reviews. Please come out and show your support for one of Israel’s most promising young playwrights!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why Israelis?

A question that more often than not comes up when I talk to people about this project is the question of why I, a native Swede, have decided to make a documentary film about Israelis living in New York.

First of all I believe that I as a documentary film maker should document phenomena and events that are not of interest only to me, but to the rest of the world as well. But I have also asked myself the question of where my home, and my heart, is. After having talked to several Israelis in New York about their feelings of being away from Israel, I realized that this was a pressing issue that had to be documented on camera.

In my conversations with Israelis in New York, topics of war, family, politics and the hardships of being an immigrant, all came up. Being away from your home country is always an emotional struggle, but for Israelis, the struggle is so much intense.

Finding an answer to the question “where is my home?” is not easy, but in this documentary I have decided to give it a shot. And I have met some amazing people on the way.


Monday, April 7, 2008


Thank you for visiting our new blog! Please check in for updates about the film, since we are currently in post-production and will note any progress with the film on this blog.

Warmly, Lisa