Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Misha Shulman’s new play to premier this Thursday!

Dear friends,

Misha Shulman, who is one of the Israelis featured in “Where is My Home?”, will have his most recent play: "Brunch at the Luthers” premiered this coming Thursday at Theater for the New City.

Israeli war veteran Misha Shulman is an award winning New York based playwright and director and currently a MFA student at Brooklyn College. In 2006, his play “Desert Sunrise” premiered at Theater for the New City and reviewed astonishing reviews. Please come out and show your support for one of Israel’s most promising young playwrights!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why Israelis?

A question that more often than not comes up when I talk to people about this project is the question of why I, a native Swede, have decided to make a documentary film about Israelis living in New York.

First of all I believe that I as a documentary film maker should document phenomena and events that are not of interest only to me, but to the rest of the world as well. But I have also asked myself the question of where my home, and my heart, is. After having talked to several Israelis in New York about their feelings of being away from Israel, I realized that this was a pressing issue that had to be documented on camera.

In my conversations with Israelis in New York, topics of war, family, politics and the hardships of being an immigrant, all came up. Being away from your home country is always an emotional struggle, but for Israelis, the struggle is so much intense.

Finding an answer to the question “where is my home?” is not easy, but in this documentary I have decided to give it a shot. And I have met some amazing people on the way.
